I HAD A DREAM, embroidered hemp bookmark, 8"h x 12"w x 3"d, 2003 From a note my daughter Emily wrote describing a piece she had just mounted on drywall that had come crashing down in her bedroom. Collection: Joel Faflak
FLAMINGO, embroidered cotton, 17"h x 20.5"w x 2"d, 2003
Extract from a letter written by Emily.
IF YOU HATE BEING MISREAD YOU'D BETTER STOP WRITING MESSAGES, embroidery on printed cotton, rusted metal coil, 2003 Advice from my husband. Collection: Ross Woodman
QUILT 17-4-23, photographs printed with pigmented inks on PVC scrim, copper nails, wire, 65"h x 51"w, 2008
Numbers are symbols that can become the object of obsessive patterning and analysis, that extend beyond more socially acceptable number crunching manias involving body weight, time and money.
A A patchwork of rusted metal panels about 4ft x 10ft were laid down on the ground to protect the grass and sidewalk from heavy equipment near the forks of the Thames River