YOU ARE HERE / Map related art and historical maps / Group Exhibition at the Forks of the Thames to
celebrate London, Ontario's 150th Anniversary, 2005 / Kirtley Jarvis, Curator and contributing artist
As well as being a catalogue for the You Are Here exhibition, there was a map on the back which was sponsored by London businesses and arts patrons who donated $150 to have their names listed in the directory. Our map was modeled on a black and white promotional map from 1951 [see below]. The sponsors' contributions covered the printing of the map/catalogue and modest artists' fees which would have been higher if the city hadn't demanded that I personally take out a liability insurance policy (with extortionate insurance premiums.) |
Catalogue designer: Kinny Kreiswirth |
We modeled our Sesquicentennial map on the promotional map below. Needham Funeral Service - a major sponsor of the 1951 map - is now owned by an American conglomerate and uninterested in sponsoring anything local, but Westview Funeral Chapel (owned by Paul Needham) took on the project eagerly. Copp's Lumber also jumped on board, taking the spot occupied on the earlier map by Beaver Lumber. Exhibited side by side, the two maps were wonderful time capsules. I liked the cleanness and clarity of the old B & W map, but it was soon apparent that our sponsors wanted colour. I think it's perfect that our map tends towards being cluttered - a reflection of our times. |
Jill Price organized the London Gallery Guide. Check out the nature of the businesses on the two maps. You won't find Typewriter or Radio Sales in our 2005 directory, nor Recycling on the 1951 map. |